
String (disk-path)



The JadeHelpBaseUrl parameter specifies the URL that will be used to access topics in the HTML5 web format product information from context‑sensitive help functionality in the Jade Platform development environment when the value of the UseJadeWebHelp parameter is set to <default>.

When the UseJadeWebHelp parameter is set to <default> and a Jade help file is requested (for example, when F1 is pressed for context-sensitive online help from the Jade Platform development environment), Jade reads the JadeHelpBaseUrl parameter. If a value is specified for the JadeHelpBaseUrl parameter, it uses that URL. If the value is <default> or it is empty, the URL is determined by the internal hard‑coded URL for the current release.

If you specify a value for this parameter, it must be a complete URL. For example, the [JadeHelp] section of the Jade initialization file could contain the following parameter values.

UseJadeWebHelp  = <default>
JadeHelpBaseUrl = https://secure.jadeworld.com/developer-centre/Jade2022/OnlineDocumentation/Default.htm

Where the .htm extension is used, .html is also valid.

7.1.08 (Service Pack 7) and higher